Photo : © Sandra Larochelle
Aline Apostolska : a free ride
Parisian become Montrealer, Aline Apostolska (born Bernarda Alina Apostolska) acquired Canadian nationality in spring 2014 and now has dual French and Canadian nationality. Polyglot (she speaks and writes 5 languages , French, English, Spanish, Croatian and Macedonian ) and traveler, she has a degree in History (Denis Diderot Jussieu University – Paris VII) acquired in 1983 in Paris , a diploma from the Institute Edition Professions ( Asfored ) completed in 1993 in Paris as well as a certificate in Spanish (level 3) issued by the Linguistic Institute of Montreal.
A cultural journalist for 35 years, for the print media, radio and television, she has always been very active in the international literary community, notably for freedom of expression but also remuneration of their intellectual property. Since 1986, she has published 44 books for adult and young readers, some of which have been translated into other languages. She received the Governor General’s Literary Award in Canada in 2012 as well as other international awards.
Aline arrives in Paris at 3 years old . Born in Skopje, Yugoslavia current northern Macedonia, she joined her parents who live Avenue Victor Hugo (16 th ) since late 1950. His father worked at the Embassy of Yugoslavia, commissioned by Unesco. Dismissed from the Embassy in 1966 after it was discovered that he was a deserter from the Yugoslav Army, not married and not a member of the League of Yugoslav Communists, and having refused to regularize his situation, he returned to the service of the billionaire Ferdinand Beghin as chauffeur 1966 to 1973. Having d u leave the official residence of the Avenue Victor Hugo, Aline parents now live with their daughter to Ferdinand Beghin, rue Octave Feuillet, above the Jardin du Ranelagh which will become the childhood garden for little Aline, as well as the Bois de Boulogne, then free from the ring road, and the Pré Catelan , until pre-adolescence because the family , having bought an apartment in Courbevoie will move there in 1973, after Ferdinand Beghin dismissed Aline’s father. He then became the private driver of the film producer, Raymond Danon for almost a decade, before becoming a representative of the Daniel Hechter brand Sport line for Switzerland and Germany, until his retirement in 1997 After an adversarial and stormy relationship, Aline’s parents finally divorced in 1979. His father remarried a year later and lived in Paris, the city he chose from the age of 20, until his death in 2018. Aline’s mother remarried in Croatia to a Venetian-born Dalmatian born in Moscow, and she still lives on the island of Hvar, off the coast of Split. Aline’s siblings are made up of a brother, a half-brother, a half-sister. Having left her native country in 1964, she did not lose contact with her family, whom she visited each summer. She never spoke anything other than French with her parents, brothers and sisters. If she kept an almost fluent Serbo-Croat and Macedonian, it is thanks to her Yugoslav family and in particular to be able to keep in touch with her paternal grandmother who raised her small and remained a founding emotional bond and fundamental to her until the death of her grandmother when Aline was 23 years old.
After her primary studies at the girls’ school on rue Gustave Zédé (Paris 16 th ), her family moved to Courbevoie and she continued her collegial studies at the Collège Victor Hugo, in Courbevoie (Hauts de Seine) where the home is located Paternal family, she finished brilliant secondary studies at the renowned Lycée Pasteur in Neuilly / s / Seine (Hauts de Seine) and obtained a Baccalaureate B (economic and social) with honors, then entered hypokhâgne at Lycée Pasteur. Everywhere praised as a gifted and brilliant student, her indiscipline is also notoriously cited. In the middle of this first year of hypokhâgne, on a course which should have led her to the Normal School (according to the vision of her teachers and pedagogical advisers), she literally disappears in England for a whole year. Then returned to Paris and resumed studies in History (after having hesitated between philosophy, letters, history she chose the latter out of need to understand the world, which remains the central leitmotif of her life).
While continuing her studies of history in Jussieu, she launched into journalism and animation from 1981 on free radios (Radio Gilda and Radio Nova) and signed articles for magazines as diverse as Bwana Magazine, Le Monde de Education, French Letters, Squid, Liberation then, as a paid journalist for the Filipacchi group, for Him, NewLook and Paris Match. Early twenties, hectic Parisian cultural, artistic and relational life, night owl , in full AIDS years. She then became General Delegate of the Association of Museums and Centers for Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture ( funded by the Ministry of Culture, and which will lead to the creation of the Cité des Sciences de la Villette), the first major salaried position under 25 years of age. She will leave this job in estimating after 4 years considering having done the trick. During her first pregnancy, she worked on the content of 2 exhibitions planned for the bicentenary of the French Revolution in 1989 at the Cité des sciences de La Villette : Le sang des hommes and Les Scientists et la Révolution . Her first son was born in 1988 in Paris. Aline works at RTL where she writes astrological chronicles, publishes two books in 1986 and 1987 then leaves to descend the Nile as a tourist guide. Until 1991 when, having received the offer of the post of literary director Editions Dangles (spirituality, traditions, mythologies, religions, applied psychology) she moved to Orleans, some 100 km s of Paris, and there will remain until 1998 , in family, having met the father of his second son, born in 1995, who also recognizes Aline’s eldest son and gives him his name.
At Dangles editions , Aline Apostolska publishes around a hundred works as literary director and collection director. She publishes several major international bestsellers, such as Julia Cameron in French, Debbie Shapiro in French, dal a i-lama in French , Gandhi in French but also René Lachaud , Éric Marié, André Barbault , Joëlle de Gravelaine among others … Several of these books win prizes and she sells the rights in pocket to Marabout and 10/18. At the insistent request of Jean-Yves Anstet-Dangles , CEO of Dangles editions , Aline Apostolska published in 1994 her series of astrology An unprecedented vision of your astral sign where she brings together sign by sign the myths and symbols of six civilizations in order to provide a historical vision and a deep psychological analysis (without any prediction). This series sold over 800 000 copies in 3 languages, throughout a continuity of more than 20 years, until the author in repurchases rights 201 6 . She left with her family in the summer of 1997 in Dharamsala , in Utar Pradesh in India, in the Tibetan exiled community, to follow astro- medical courses with astro- doctors of the Dalai Lama, she will give up writing. a new series (which could have been lucrative) by defiance of the concept of karma and Tibetan karmic astrology. Instead , she writes and publishes numerous articles and reports on this subject, then makes it the real breeding ground for the novel A summer of love and ashes ( 2012 Governor General’s Literary Awards in Canada). Having started with literature in 1986 with the collection of short stories Les larmes de Lumir (Éditions Mots d’Homme), she published 2 other books on myths and symbols (notably Mille et mille lunes at the Mercure de France in 1992), an illustrated children’s album La treizième lune ( Bastberg , 1996) then returned to literature with the publication in April 1997 of Letter to my sons who will never see Yugoslavia (Isoète Éditions) which was widely felt in the French media, in particular in Liberation and Le Monde.
Faithful to what seems to be the inner engine of his life (launch a project, strive to achieve it, realize it fully and then go to other territories) , in 1998, after leaving Paris for Orleans, this time she left France for Canada, or rather for Montreal where she was offered a contract by Radio-Canada . In fact, since 1994, Aline Apostolska has been giving regular chronicles on the Radio-Canada’s First channel, notably in Richard Cummings’ programs. Learning that Aline Apostolska wants to settle in Montreal, the management of the CBC offers her a contract and becomes her sponsor to allow her immigration to Quebec and Canada.
For 5 years, Radio-Canada will renew Aline Apostolska’s work permit, as a columnist and presenter specializing in literature and dance, from radio to the Première Chaîne then to the late Chaîne culturelle. On 1 st May 2004, before his 43 th birthday, she obtained Canadian permanent residence for herself and her two son migrants with it in 1998 at the ages of 10 and 3 years. In disagreement with the suppression of the Cultural Channel of Radio-Canada (replaced by Espace Musique) and considering that nothing interesting is proposed to her, she resigns from her salaried position at the end of the 2004 season , after having published a long article in Le Devoir https://www.ledevoir.com/opinion/idees/55671/disparition-de-la-chaine-culturelle-de-radio-canada-la-culture-c-est-se-enir-debout- in-the-mass
She will then continue sporadic collaborations with Radio-Canada. But her goal is achieved : she made herself known quickly quickly thanks to Radio-Canada but after 10 years of broadcasting ( four years from the studios of the CBC avenue Montaigne in Paris and six years in Montreal) she feels there cramped. His de facto horizons, following this resignation, widened. She was mainly known at the CBC for her interviews with writers 3 times / week at Aux Arts Etc… 2 Quebecois and 1 French or translated into French, as well as for her Blue Literary Travel shows like an orange which she designed and animated and of which she published each week a version written in Le Devoir. But in 2004, she especially wanted to try to devote herself even more to her own creation.
Nevertheless, she wrote, under a contract of three articles per week, prepapiers and dance critics in La Presse , from 2001 to 2014. And since 2014 sporadically, this time in the Travel section. This was after La Presse went to get her from the Journal de Montréal, from which she wrote the dance chronicle from 2000 to 2001.
From 2001 to 2008 she also directed the Ici l’Ailleurs collection at Leméac where she asked renowned Quebec authors to discuss the place where their writing arose. Several prizes there too in this collection : the Anne-Hébert pur Hélène Dorion prize with Jours de Sable , Aline Apostolska having convinced Hélène Dorion (who also prefaced her poetry collection Au joli mois de mai, VLB, 2001) to write for the first time in prose, a story, a new path that Dorion will pursue. The Graham Fraser Prize for Linda Leith with Marry Hungary , Aline Apostolska having encouraged Leith to write this story in English before translating it herself to publish it in her collection in French. The Canada-Japan price for Walking silence, c arnets Japan of André Duhaime and André Girard.
Aline Apostolska puts an end to her collection Here the Elsewhere by publishing her own story Elsewhere if I am there (2008) where she takes stock, in mid-forties of this attraction for elsewhere which is the basis of his writing. Party publish at Quebec America from 2003 with L’Homme de ma vie then Neretva as well as youth novels, Maître du jeu and Les contes de la ruelle , Aline Apostolska will come back to Leméac to publish A summer of love and ashes , which will earn him the literary prize – children’s literature of the GG 2012.
She became involved with the literary community as administrator of the Center québécois de PEN International (2002 to 2008) then as president of the Public Lending Law Commission within the Canada Council for the Arts (2008 to 2016) where she was very active, especially during a very delicate period.
Her creation unfolds : she designs, writes, ensures the artistic director, the co-production and sometimes the interpretation of dance / literature choreographies for the Agora de la danse, 4 times, in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010. Se painting in 2014, she exhibited large symbolic and narrative canvases made of natural materials and repainted collages, in 2018 at the Art Neuf cultural center under the title Le monde est ma maison.
During this whole period, she traveled incessantly, became a travel journalist, sent to various countries by a New York tourism marketing agency. She travels then writes articles and that fits her like a glove!
His writings also diversify, and cumulate, eclecticism and proliferation, at an accelerated rate, sometimes up to 6 books published per year. In particular to initiate, among other publications, a series of historical thrillers from 2015 ( The adventures of Joséphine Watson-Finn , Éditions Édito ) or highly noted biographies, that of Jacques Languirand ( Éditions de l’Homme, 2014) and Yves Saint-Laurent ( Hugo & cie , 2017). In 2018, she published at VLB Une Ville qui Danse to stage in a novel, the world of dance that she knows so well in Montreal, and which also gave Faces of Dance , the series of interviews of Quebec choreographers on Canal Savoir, after Les Midis Littéraires , the series of writers’ interviews, also on Canal Savoir / Télé Québec.
A great, very important and symbolic step was taken for her when some of her novels were translated into her original languages, into Macedonian (Ili-Ili editions, Skopje, Macedonia) and Croatian ( Zagrebačka Naklada editions ). Also, his love novel Le coeur bleu (2016, Recto-Verso) translated into Spanish, in Cuba, as well as A summer of love and ashes .
And now ?
Aline Apostolska continues her path of eclectic and prolific writing, focused on her next novels, while wishing to publish less. 44 books in 30 years all the same, yes but … After the death of her father, in 2018, she no longer wrote, for two years but ensures that this time was positive for her, and that the movement is gradually returning …
She also devotes herself a lot to transmission. Having started giving creative writing workshops in 2004, she developed a very personal and very effective method of teaching long-term literary creation, novel, story, collection of short stories. She created Alinéa Écriture to bring together all of her writing teaching and publishing activities , and now gives her workshops throughout the year at her home as well as at the Art Neuf Cultural Center. Over thirty books from the workshops have been published and many more are in progress.
Other things to come , still inaccessible to the eyes of his eyes … the important thing is to write and rewrite constantly his own trajectory.
Montreal, July 2020